YIPPIEHEY is the illustration and animation studio founded by jacob eisinger. I create colorful images for a broad list of clients from lots of different industries including advertising, editorial, trade fairs, social media and much more.
my goal is to bring your project to life in a colorful and fun way.

Selected Clients
adidas, porsche digital, samsung, mercedes, mc donalds, db deutsche bahn, fujitsu siemens, unicef, eis.de, adobe, rewe, o2, toyota, dpd, dekra, dr oetker, ocean spray, cool aid, falken tires, university of calgary, national theater of scotland, emi, dali

wired, washington post magazine, shortlist, der spiegel, new york times magazine, timeout, modus, die zeit, brand eins, official offf festival book, good type vol. 1&2, snacks magazine, bilanz, magma, neon

Jacob Eisinger
Stresemannstraße 79
D-22769 Hamburg, Germany 

Mail: hi@yippiehey.com
Phone: +49 (0) 160 975 275 52 

represent in germany, swizerland, austria by
kombinatrotweiss frankfurt
kleine Rittergasse 11
60594 frankfurt

www.kombinatrotweiss.de, illu@kombinatrotweiss.de 
+49 69 75 66 55 0

represent in the usa by
much collab
www.muchpresents.com, matthew@muchpresents.com
+1 917.545.0087

represent in the netherlands by
much amsterdam

www.much.amsterdam, rutger@muchpresents.com
+316 1431 81 67

all these projects...

all these projects...

all these projects...

all these projects...

all these projects...

copyright 2020 by YIPPIEHEY / all rights reserved

copyright 2018 by YIPPIEHEY / all rights reserved

copyright 2018 by YIPPIEHEY / all rights reserved

copyright 2018 by YIPPIEHEY / all rights reserved